Annualised Salary Reconciliation History

This screen displays the Annualised Salary Reconciliation Calculation/Payment data. This provides a record of when the Annualised Salary Reconciliation Calculation Wizard and Annualised Salary Reconciliation Payment Wizard have been processed. Likewise, this is the place where amendments, created if the Calculation/ Payment Wizards are re-run over a period that has been already reconciled, are stored.


Rules and Guidelines

  • Once the Annualised Salary Reconciliation Payment Wizard has been run for the employee in Process mode, the top section (Annualised Salary Reconciliation Calculation) information is blanked out where the fields are displayed with no values while the browselist (Reconciliation Payment History) then holds the information.

  • The entire screen is not editable. This is only for read-only of historical data, which is also available via three Extractor views, split into: Header, Detail - Time Code, and Detail - Payroll Code.

  • The information can be printed via Print Preview.

  • All records for an employee can be viewed on this screen even if the employee has been transferred.

Field Information